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Get involved in our breakout group on Facebook as we are always looking for content from Florida to Maine and even Canada. The "group" format allows everyone to post pics, videos, ask questions and have discussions all related to wave surfing and surf craft. It has become the hub for connecting East Coast paddle surfers, especially those interested in having more ECWA Social Meet-ups. Check it out here!

We're always interested in bringing people together and promoting the sport and we truly appreciate all of your support.

We are working on the 2024 calendar for contests and paddle socials so stay tuned for another fun and exciting year. More details to come.

The ECWA would like to thank everyone who participated in the Paddle Surf Northeast Social! We had surfers come in from Chicago, Boston, PA and as far as Florida. A big thank you to Ian Mcleod from Macski USA for surfing with us, giving guidance and bringing his products to try out. He along with with Ross and Bill had our new friend Masa, a paraplegic adaptive surfer, hit the waves for the first time ever. Also big thanks to Doug from Ackless Kayaks for bringing his cool products for us to tryout. This year, The Best All Around Surfer Shout-Out goes to Auri Berg who caught the longest rides, the most rides and put himself in critical positions riding a Surf Kayak, Waveski and Macski Phoenix. We hope enjoys his gift, The Surfing Kayaking Book by Bill Matos. As we said before the event, we were not paddling out in 10 foot hurricane surf. We picked a sheltered surf spot so we could focus on practice, sharing surf craft, trying out manufacturers products, making connections, helping beginners, as well as just chillin on the beach. Local New Jersey surfers Ross Kushner and Bill Casey were crucial in setting this up with the perfect location and did a great deal of work behind the scenes. We needed the help as ECWA President, Stewart Diesel-Reynolds could not be there and Richie Guerrero had emergency gallbladder removal surgery and could not be in the water, so he was relegated to staff photographer. Everyone there pitched in and helped the event run smoothly and make it a great success. We’ll be back in New Jersey next year around the same time and we hope to see you all there. You can check out all 200 photos of the event on our website.

Join us on the beach as we surf with the NYC skyline in full view. We'll talk shop, loan surf craft and have some fun. Bring your gear, beach chairs, coolers, food and your good vibes. All skill levels and all paddle craft are encouraged to come.

We'll be hitting the beach from 8am - 4pm and meeting up for dinner at 6pm Friday & Saturday nights at Tommy's Tavern & Tap 1030 Ocean Ave N, Sea Bright, NJ 07760 You will be emailed (if you RSVP) if the dining location changes.

Please visit The ECWA website to RSVP. Contact our host Richie Guerrero for additional info and please save his contact info if you are attending. Email:

Additional Info:

90% of the time New Jersey breaks as right handers and much better mid-low tide, which will be in the early afternoons for our event. Historically, the average water temperature is 71F and the air 76F. Sandy Hook is usually more manageable as it's further north and it also has plenty of parking, restrooms, facilities, food options and also has the bay side for flat paddle options with kayak and SUP rentals. If conditions like wind make it totally flat and we have an option to move down the beach to Deal or Monmouth we'll email everyone who RSVP'd, the new location.

South of Sandy Hook for miles and miles are plenty of beaches, restaurants, nightlife and boardwalks. This year, 15 miles south, there is a very large music festival happening that weekend called "See Hear Now" in Asbury Park (Home of Bruce Springsteen).

This is our first year hosting and we'll be keeping it low key without flags, tents and tables. Unfortunately, ECWA President Stewart Diesel-Reynolds will not be attending, so ECWA Web and Social Media Manager Richie Guerrero, along with a few knowledgable locals will be organizing this event.

Thank you all for your support and we hope to see you there.

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